Bio-Glo-NL Luciferase Assay System
The Bio-Glo-NL Luciferase-testsettet gir en svært sensitiv, robust, homogen reagens for påvisning av ildflueluciferase-reportergenuttrykk i ADCC Reporter Bioassay. Bio-Glo-testreagenset inneholder et nytt luciferasesubstrat, noe som resulterer i et reagens som er mer stabilt og mer tolerant for prøvekomponenter enn standard luciferase-testreagenser. Bio-Glo-testreagenset testes funksjonelt for ytelse i ADCC Reporter Bioassay og er ment for bruk med dette eller andre bioassays.
The Bio-Glo-NL Luciferase Assay System provides a highly sensitive, robust, homogeneous reagent for the detection of firefly luciferase reporter gene expression in the ADCC Reporter Bioassay. Bio-Glo Assay reagent contains a new luciferase substrate, resulting in a reagent that is more stable and more tolerant to sample components than standard luciferase assay reagents. Bio-Glo Assay reagent is functionally tested for performance in the ADCC Reporter Bioassay and is intended for use with this or other bioassays.